About the project
Aimhigher London Debate Higher Oracy Project 2021.
Aimhigher London is a partnership of state-funded schools, colleges, Local Authorities and Higher Education providers. All parties work together to create opportunities for young people from all backgrounds to provide equal access to Higher Education and higher-level skills.
The job
Aimhigher London asked us to assist with the project for Year 9 learners with the ultimate goal to improve their ability to express themselves fluently and grammatically in public speaking. PIC TREE filmed six sessions of debate spread over seven months in London with the final debate in Parliament. PIC TREE delivered a ten-minute film highlighting the positive impact of the programme on young people from an under-privileged background.
Pic-Tree also produced a trailer to promote the project for the year 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic and health restrictions and limited funds the filming was basic without full crew and equipment. We arranged our pre-production meetings on Zoom and agreed the concept and storyline remotely. Then we educated the client on how to film on location using smart phones and simple sound techniques. All the filming was shot by Aim Higher. PIC TREE did the edit and post-production.
In light of the ongoing Public Health situation and Government advice Aimhigher London currently suspended the Debate Higher Oracy Project for 2020/21.