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How to get an armful from a blood donor

They say that over 50% of emails are deleted unopened and unread. That’s just one symptom of the blinding blizzard of messages that threaten to drown us daily with words. The internet is strewn with videos, websites and emails written and made by amateurs who made something they enjoyed doing. Nothing wrong with that. And sometimes they get it right. But when you have something serious and important to say, it is usually best to hire a professional rather than an amateur. 

What a professional will do is design something that will appeal to far more people than just the creator. A professional has the skills, training and experience to create a look and and a vibe that justify his hiring in the first place. 

How do you actually convince a potential new donor to contribute to your cause? You talk about your mission with enthusiasm; you highlight your success stories; you demonstrate how a donation has benefited society; you present your track record. You establish your professionalism without weasel or hype.

It’s the same for Pic Tree. 

We too have to convince a potential new client that we are worth hiring. We show our video successes, our education project in Liverpool, our UN documents on Pastoralism in Kenya, our documentary on Arabica coffee for Ethiopia. We demonstrate our ability to transform complicated issues into simple words and powerful images. We point them to our website, invite questions and discussion and when we agree a commission we give them a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit.

Check one of our report design for institute of development Studies

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