About the Project

A series of 30+ informative zoom recordings presented by AimHigher London, Kingston University of London, University of Roehampton.  

The brief

The purpose of 30+ zoom instructional sessions is to help young people make informed choices for their education and future. The Zoom videos delivered the information required to help a student make a considered decision about higher education and career path. 

There were many topics to choose from: Student finance and budgeting, how to choose the right course and which university is best for your needs. How and when to apply to a university. Writing a personal statement. Step by step introduction to UCAS. What kind of support you can get while studying. Useful tips and student life in a nutshell direct from student ambassadors and graduates.

The process

Initially there were unstructured Zoom meetings with students and academics which soon evolved into educational, instructional zoom meetings presented during the lockdown.  

PIC TREE redesigned the rather messy zoom meetings into cleaner, more focused presentations supported by motion graphics.   We edited each zoom session from an hour into shorter, more concise educational films where the visuals support the information for easier understanding.

The challenge

The challenge was to work with various qualities of footage from the zoom meetings. Some were by phone, some by desktop. The  footage was often wobbly and the sound quality was sometimes poor. We pulled all this together into something informative and practical. We were not distracted or discouraged by the occasional poor quality which served to give an immediate and natural documentary effect to the final product. 

Photobook design
Images Rich Research Report Layout and Design