Photobook design
Images Rich Research Report Layout and Design
Client: Institute of Development Studies

Image Rich Report Design

Following the success of our first collaboration, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) again invited Pic Tree to work with pastoralist researchers on the “Promoting Peaceful Pastoralism” project on the Uganda/Kenya border. This project, funded by Chemonics UK, is part of a larger initiative promoting human rights, environmental protection, and an end to illegal activities.

IDS is facilitating a community-led participatory research study focused on peace and security for pastoralists living across the border between Turkana County, Kenya, and Karamoja Region, Uganda. As part of the research strategy, participants shared their experiences of security, peace, conflict, and instability.

Our role was to select images that most powerfully conveyed the stories of the community and highlighted the perspectives they wanted to share. We then designed and laid out a comprehensive report that would resonate with communities, governments, and funders.

This image-rich report, titled “The Lion, The Leopard, The Hyena and The Fox,” delves into the complex dynamics faced by these pastoralist communities.

Advocacy report design